Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween 2007

Hey everyone, here are our sweeties dressed up for Halloween. Tyler is "Tigger", Mason is "Lion" and Joseph is "frog"...they were not feeling very well because they went in for their 4 month checkup and got immunizations. Mason and Joseph weigh 15 lbs and Tyler weighs 16 lbs. They are doing everything that they should be doing at this age, like cooing, smiling, looking at their hands, staying awake longer and sleeping longer at night. They are also going through a little "mommy" anxiety when she's not around so they give Joe a really hard time. Especially come Mondays. We are enjoying them so much and fall more and more in love with them each day. Enjoy the pictures!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nancy the boys are adorable in thier holloween costums.Nancy tell Joe that he can't complaint ever of being lonely because with the boys he will be busy every day .I can't believe that the boys are already eating out of the spoon,it seem like they were born yesterday.Nancy I Know that God Bless You with all those handsome boys .You diserve it .God works in misterios ways. LOVE YOU GUYS .YOUR COUSIN IVETTE